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The Verla World Heritage Site is located in the village of Verla, 32 kilometers from the center of Kouvola.

You can reach Verla by car or taxi from Kouvola's train station. For groups, we recommend booking a private transfer.

Arrival Using Public Transportation

The nearest train station is in Kouvola, from which a summer bus operates to Verla on Saturdays and Sundays (line 15).

Check the local bus schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays (line 9).

  • VR Train Schedules
  • Public Transportation in Kouvola

Arrival by Private or Rental Car

From Kouvola, it takes about half an hour to drive to Verla. From Helsinki and Mikkeli, the drive takes about two hours, and from Lahti, just over an hour. You can also rent a car in Kouvola.

  • Driving Directions via Google Maps
  • Avis Car Rental
  • Hertz Car Rental
  • Scandia Rent Car Rental

There is an electric vehicle charging point for KSS Energy cars in the museum's parking area.


The Verla factory museum is not fully accessible. However, a person with mobility limitations can participate in a half tour with the rest of the group. The old stable building on the factory area has an accessible restroom along with other restrooms.

Accessibility Guide


Verla's safety guidelines and the opportunity to report safety-related observations can be found here.

Sustainable Tourism

The UPM Verla Factory Museum is committed to the principles of sustainable tourism. You can read more about sustainable tourism at the World Heritage Site here.

Your order
If there is an active order you can find it here.