VB 6: Leivo

Alkaen 82,00 € / vrk

The name of the cottage comes from the Leivo family, who were its last residents. The head of the house, Aarne, worked at the factory as a horseman. A horse gin was used to lift spruce timber out of the water to be processed in the factory. Aarne's wife, Eelin, had come to the factory in 1946 to work as an acceptor. 

During the 1920's and the 1930's the cottage was known as Uncle Tassu's Cottage (after log driver Taavi Pukkila). In the 1950's Vainio Cottage was used. The name Leivo Cottage caught on later. 

Cottage and Yard

Leivo Cottage is a 25 square meter wood cottage built in 1880. The interior is a single space with a kitchenette. The cottage houses two people.


The cottage is located approximately 500 meters from the Mill Museum at Vähä-Kamponen shore, downstream of Verlankoski. The cottage has road access.

Cabin Equipment

  • equipped for 2 persons

  • electric lighting

  • refrigerator

  • microwave oven

  • hot plates

  • coffee maker

  • household water at the adjacent sauna building

  • WC at the adjacent sauna building

Note: Bed linen or towels are not included.

Reservation and Use

The cottage is reservable only through the online booking system. The reservation process begins by clicking the "Reserve" button under the main image. If you'd like to book more than one cottage at a time, add each of them to the shopping basket and only go to checkout once all of them have been added to your basket.

The cottage is at your disposal from 3 PM on the arrival date until 11 AM at the end date. The guests may visit the cabin only during the reservation period.

Sauna #1

Access to a shared sauna is included in the price. More deatails about reservations to the sauna are included in booking confirmation. 


The keys are located in a key box directly at the cottage. A PIN code is sent as an SMS message to the phone number the guest entered upon ordering approximately two hours before the reservation start.

The guest is responsible for the key for the entire duration of the reservation. The key must be returned immediately after the stay to the same key box from which it was collected. Failure to return the key results in a charge defined in the Terms and Conditions.

Cleanliness, Final Cleaning and Trash

The tenant is responsible for the cleanliness of the cottage, its yard and all attached services.

The cottage must be thoroughly cleaned after use so that the next visitor will have a pleasant arrival at Verla.

Trash should be sealed in a plastic bag and put in the waste bin located in the Mill Museum area. 


Pets are not allowed in this cottage. 

Terms and Conditions

The tenant is fully responsible for the entire cabin as well as their friends. See the Terms and Conditions before you make a reservation. 


Verlantie 309,47850 Verla
Lomakohteen tyyppi:Mökki
Asuinpinta-ala:25 m²
Vuoteiden määrä:2


Varustelun kuvaus:Leivolla, Seppä-Mäellä ja Verlan uittotuvalla on yhteinen sauna. Leivo sijaitsee saunarakennuksen välittömässä läheisyydessä.

Saunarakennuksen Leivon puoleisessa kulmassa on myös mökin käytössä oleva WC.
Keittiön kuvaus:Keittiönurkkaus vanhan puuhellan päällä.
Pihan kuvaus:Ei omaa pihaa.
Rannan kuvaus:Ei omaa rantaa.
Aktiviteettien kuvaus:Verlan mökit ja kämpät ovat osa maailmanperintökohde Verlaa, joka muodostaa upean kuvan suomalaisesta metsäteollisuuden historiasta. Lisäksi yksi eteläisen Suomen suosituimmista kansallispuistoista, Repoveden kansallispuisto, sijaitsee noin 30 min ajomatkan päässä.


Verlan Mökit / Repovalkea Oy
Katso Meistä/yhteydenotot
Y-tunnus: 2363958-7
Verlan Mökit / Repovalkea Oy
Katso Meistä/yhteydenotot
Y-tunnus: 2363958-7
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